πŸ’‘the idea of ideas

ideas are not what everyone thinks they are

source: s4 w1 lecture

ideas, not plans

  • ideas ain't no plan

  • they are a thought

  • that will evolve like a pokemon

  • evolve and grow better and stronger every iteration

the story of ideas

  • ideas start out as thoughts

  • no one has idea how they go out

  • in the case of farza, first built a productivity app called farzalog

  • then a school for kids

  • finally end up building buildspace

  • so you do not start with the thing, you make the thing with what you started

"great ideas are forged not found"

  • pick an idea and iterate

  • until u finally reach the

  • progress is not linear, you grow as long as you move


  • ideas are starting points, they may pivot as you do deep into them

  • work on something you are passionate about to give your project a heart 🫢🏻

  • precisely explain your thing such that it can be understood super easily by anyone


if you wanna know the source of these notes, these are from the s4 w1 lecture

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